Teacher Grants
Teacher Grant Request
Steinbrenner High School PTSA
Teacher Grants
Steinbrenner High School PTSA Teacher Grant Guidelines
Purpose: To create opportunities for teachers to enhance our existing programs in support of the education of our students.
Attention: All grant recipients must be current members of the Steinbrenner PTSA.
- Grant requests limited to $500 (exceptions based on grant committee & PTSA board approval).
- Grants are offered until funds are depleted for the budgeted school year.
- Once funds are depleted, no further grant requests will be considered.
- Applications will be reviewed by the Steinbrenner PTSA Teacher Grant Committee and Board and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- You may be asked to provide additional information to support your request.
Note: We are all stewards of our PTSA dollars! PLEASE make sure you have researched the best price for your request. Submit documentation of costs and be as specific as possible.
- Grants should also benefit a significant portion of the school population for more than one (1) school year. (For example, covering several classrooms or grade levels.)
- All Grant funds must be used in the current school year. Apply early so the current students benefit from our current budget!
- Grants do not cover pizza parties, refreshments, basic school supplies, or travel.
- Grants that benefit only a small number of students are not eligible.
- Submit the Grant Request Form BEFORE the 1st of the month (download from the Steinbrenner PTSA website or complete the form on the website - http://steinbrennerptsa.org/teacher-grants ).
- Once we have received your application you will be notified if additional information is required.
- Ms. Ewell will route the request to the PTSA and/or Faculty Representative.
- The grant will be reviewed by the PTSA board. If a presentation to the board is necessary, the teacher will be contacted.
- Communication regarding the decision of the PTSA board will be sent via email.
Teacher Grant Request
Note: Fields marked with an * are required.
Grant Requests
Printable Teacher Grant Request form
- 2023-Teacher-Grant-Application.docx (17.4 KBs)