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Teacher Grants

Teacher Grant Request

Steinbrenner High School PTSA

Teacher Grants

Grants are closed for 2023-2024, see you next year!


Steinbrenner High School PTSA Teacher Grant Guidelines

 Purpose: To create opportunities for teachers to enhance our existing programs in support of the education of our students.

Attention: All grant recipients must be current members of the Steinbrenner PTSA.


  • Grant requests limited to $500 (exceptions based on grant committee & PTSA board approval).
  • Grants are offered until funds are depleted for the budgeted school year.
  • Once funds are depleted, no further grant requests will be considered.
  • Applications will be reviewed by the Steinbrenner PTSA Teacher Grant Committee and Board and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • You may be asked to provide additional information to support your request.

Note: We are all stewards of our PTSA dollars! PLEASE make sure you have researched the best price for your request. Submit documentation of costs and be as specific as possible.

  • Grants should also benefit a significant portion of the school population for more than one (1) school year. (For example, covering several classrooms or grade levels.)
  • All Grant funds must be used in the current school year. Apply early so the current students benefit from our current budget!


  • Grants do not cover pizza parties, refreshments, basic school supplies, or travel.
  • Grants that benefit only a small number of students are not eligible.


  1. Submit the Grant Request Form BEFORE the 1st of the month (download from the Steinbrenner PTSA website or complete the form on the website - ).
  2. Once we have received your application you will be notified if additional information is required.
  3. Ms. Ewell will route the request to the PTSA and/or Faculty Representative.
  4. The grant will be reviewed by the PTSA board. If a presentation to the board is necessary, the teacher will be contacted.
  5. Communication regarding the decision of the PTSA board will be sent via email.

Teacher Grant Request

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Will this grant benefit students for more than 1 year? *
Have you researched multiple pricing options? *

Grant Requests

Teachers, please note that your paper request must be reviewed and signed by Ms. Ewell prior to submission to the PTSA!  Thank you!

Printable Teacher Grant Request form